Monthly Archives: March 2007

well actually my spring break wasn’t all
that bad.  i went to chi-town.

so, spring break plans down
in flames.  shot down.  as it turns out my sis had just
gotten done entertaining some company and moving a roomate in so
she isn’t feeling up to having any more.  however she is
still going to leave the summer open. sooo…. i dunno.  i
think i would rather spend more time out there during the summer
anyways.  no worries.  so instead i will be planning to
go to chicago and or the beach.  as if it would be warm
enough to do so.  i dunno.  with any luck i might end up
working a few days at martins to make some spare cash for my
expenses here.  otherwise i need to get a job down here for
the remainder of the year prefferably few days through out the
week and maybe one on the weekend.  dunno.  but i have a
feeling i am about to find out. sucks i actually have home work
during the break.  can you believe it.  damn.  like
two assignments, one in an art class and one in another.  one
due the week after break then the other the week following.