Category Archives: pulse

Memo to Self

Aggravated beyond all get out: annoyed this moment is happening; frustrated and then some—irritated it seems as if I have not the patience to wait….  haHaa, I am one of them, the former of the latter.  And, so are you.

At times, I have to slow my role in order to remember that, there is more to life than hurry.  There are more important people to me—not to worry…  Intention–setting, creative place–making, things I need are listed below.

Please advise.

See the items listed in the following journal entry I have not afforded myself the time to write this jumbled mass of words in my head with some semblance of order, together.  Still in the fuzzy front–end of business here in terms of family, friends and, extra curricular, activities, relationships I cannot allow myself to get here to distracted with Them, for fear of distraction from finding one of my many purposes, for some reason…

Attempting, unsuccessfully, to focus my concentration or, rather at times the lack thereof.

What are, some things I have been thinking:
•  I’ve been thinking, I’m so recluse, I need to get to the great outdoors more.
•  I feel like I need to get in the water, be more creative, experience the flow.
•  Water, water, everywhere, what could possibly be more important to me.?/