Monthly Archives: October 2015

Chill Cats; Cool at the Pool

Dreams part I:

I was driving/  
Or, so I thought…./
I got in a wreck/
And yet, I kept going/
Down the freeway/
But, somehow I made it…./
Up the wrong way/
Blue, in my own car//

At the store/
When, we met again…./
She was shelving books/
There, She shelves bookshelves in the bookstore/
She gave them to me…./
And so, we joined our friends//

Inner mission:

I was, just there/
Where, I parked my car/
At the hotel, with friends/
When, I got back it was a wreck/
Though, the engine, gone/
It was, still there/
So, I walked//

I called a phone…./
And, there was no answer/
So, I kept walking/
Through schools, gymnasiums…./
Only to arrive at an apartment where,/
There were too many cats//

Dreams part II:

She appeared to me so/
The girl of my dreams/
I was at work, working/
And, she was just there/
She came to visit me/
We hugged held hands/
And had a moment//

You looked different/
You smiled at me/
I smiled at you/
I was so happy/
We were together again/
At work with friends/
In the school pool,/
Pooling with our friends//

“Coffee and Cigerettes” c.2006ce


She sits alone.

Peering furtively at her phone in hopes of a message from somebody, but to no avail, she shifts uncomfortably in her seat.  While nervously running her fingers through her tousle of blonde brunette shoulder-length hair, she surreptitiously glances over her laptop at the others in the room around her, and sighs.  They never notice.  Then turning her attention away she abandons the cause as her hands find something else to do with the social deffenses she has set up in front of her; straightening the little barriers between herself and others that stand up like little soldiers on the front line that is now, at this moment, the table before her.  Self defense mechanisms designated to deter painful social confrontation.  First and foremost the pc squared directly in front of her, cellular phone to the left, a cup of cold coffee sitting neatly on the coaster (as though it were still warm) to her right and a bag of miscellaneous items perched precariously on the only chair next to her.


she looks down in search of a cigarette, only to find her ex-fiances photographs smile mockingly up at her through the opening in her purse.”Bastard.”  She mutters under her breath, curls her lip in disgust with herself, guilty for not having properly disposed of them yet, and jams her fist in anyway causing her bag to fall off.  She shoots a look around the room the socials are oblivious, bereft of any signs of attention. Thinking to herself “it figures,” she sets to work collecting her things when someone else steps in to help gather her belongings.  she looks up. Holding a stray picture of her fiance, a young man offers it to her wearing a wan smile.  she snatches it and crams it back into her purse with the others.  then she spys a spare pack of marlbros she has left and nonchanlantly makes to light it up smooth and debonaire. she gives a sly look, disregards any act of kindness, promptly returns to the solace of her computers mechanical glow and pretends to be fussing with something important she has written.



Powers That Be Mercy; Ghost In The Machine

Powers That Be Mercy/
Ghost In The Machine/

Sharing art in articles/
Books and artful things/

Pictures in photographs/
Of people we have never seen/

Images in filtered pixelation/
Of places we have never been/

I hope I can find the words/
To give our spirit wings/

So I could fly to you/
You could fly to me/
And we’d never be apart/

Sharing &hearts; in particles/
Pages of needful things/

Pixels aspect ratios off/
Pinterest in photo cells/

Dots Per Inch in photographs/
Of people we have never seen/

Creatively imaginating a compass rose/
Knowledge mapping a knowledge web/

Adventure time and entrepreneuring/
Sapiosexual pioneers orienteering/

Maps legends Lines Per Inch in all directions/
We are now where no one has ever been/

I wish I could find a way/
To lift your spirits wings/

Ghost in the machine/
Talking in my sleep/

Liquid Crystal Display/
Crying in my dreams/

Transferring my consciousness/
For you to wake up next to me//





Sharing art in articles/
Books and artful things/

Pictures in photographs/
Of people we’ve never seen/

Images in pixels a facsimile/
Of places we’ve never been/

I hope I can find the words/
To give my spirit wings/

So I could fly to you/
You could fly to me/
And we’d never be apart/

Sharing ♥hearts in parts of cells/
Magazines and needful things/

Pixels in photographs/
Of people we’ve never seen/

Imagine in pixels a facsimile/
Of people we’ve never been/

I wish I could find a way/
To lift your spirits wings/

Talking in my sleep/
Crying in my dreams/
For you to wake up next to me//