Monthly Archives: September 2016

SLV HFH: SLC UT; Mission Report Summary

Tuesday—September 2oth, 2016

Beautiful. Tuesday was a good day, it began in again in similarly the same way as Saturday. Mr. Brandon Critchley and, I met this morning to walk through what the rest of the day was going to look like painting a house. Simply put, the task we had was pretty straight forward.  Put the paint on the wall. Paint everything that is white, red. And so, we began by finishing the job that had been left for us to do. And, there were plenty of us left to do it. All in all, our number, a sum of twelve hands trained in the art of law and order, painted the house red.

At times, order doesn’t matter. However I was trained to be a catalyst for communications, procedure oriented as a commissioner in the Boy Scouts of America. That’s where I realize there may be a difference in management styles between Brandon and, my self.  Process, process, process, I can appreciate establishing some semblance of order so that I can see clear and definite progress. Though in this case, it was not entirely necessary. So, we put them in pairs of rollers to paint, brushes to trim and, we did pretty well alright together.
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SLV: HFH; SLC, UT—Mission Report Summery

Benjamin Doyle

  All is well that ends swell; Today, Mr. Brandon Critchley and, I managed labor organization sorting out 18 Friend-2-Friend: Building Friendship Through Service high school age participants, 2 adult chaperones and, 2 parents volunteering in finishing the landscape laying the groundwork for a family at 1779 Aaron Dr., Tooele, UT for years.  We got a lot done in a relatively short amount of time from 9:15am-11:45a to 12:15pm-1:30p.

  Volunteers consisted of both boys and, girls youth soccer, LaCrosse as well as boys football leagues from both Olympus and Skyline High. After each of the youths listened to Mr. Critchley’s explanation, introduction and, orientation in tool safety, we both began to understand why we at Habitat For Humanity Salt Lake Valley do what we do for every one.. Or rather, how volunteerism is a part of the Habitat For Humanity International mission.

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