Monthly Archives: December 2008

Death is symbolic of change. change is inevitable much like day
and night. Dawn begins each day anew with the death of the one
passing before it. As with the path of the sun warming, awakening
and rousing us into consciousness and the journey of the moon,
cooling, calming and quelling us into our unconscious–there is
life in the natural process of
death and it certainly makes you appreciate life more.

However, death is a necessary part of life; change that makes
room for more life to take its place as so too must you also
recede into the unconscious.

“Nothing that is arises
from itself.”~Dali Lama. Everything that exists has some form of
consciousness: birds; trees; bees; leaves. And every thing that
begins must come to an end. In science there is always a remainder
of expended energy left over and that energy needs to go
somewhere. Why then not back to where ever it is that it begins; a
return to the far reach of its ends in the begining?

all this, then, there is life in death.